Welcome to our resource centre, providing you with a range of useful information around IFRS 16 compliance, managing your leasing portfolio and other topical areas.
Spreadsheets vs Lease Accounting Software - the best approach
We explore the pros and cons of using lease accounting software vs. spreadsheet applications, such as Excel, for IFRS 16 compliance and lease management.
LOIS - Lease Accounting Solution
All the information you need about LOIS, a lease accounting solution that can help you comply with the accounting standards IFRS 16 and FASB ASC 842.
Case Studies
Client success story - Waveconn
The Challenge Waveconn is an agile and flexible digital infrastructure business, who specialises in developing and ...
Excel is ubiquitous. It's a powerful tool that millions of businesses rely on for everything from data analysis to budgeting. But is Excel truly free?
IFRS 16 Software Solution Business Case
Make the case for change and get the investment signed off by your senior decision-makers using our editable business case template.
Worried about your IFRS 16 calculations?
Compare the results of your NPV workings for your most complex lease against what our LOIS lease accounting solution would automatically calculate.
Support From Accountants Not a Helpdesk
LOIS is supported by a team of lease accounting experts. Our team of locally based chartered accountants can assist you with your IFRS 16 compliance, making this task easier and more efficient!
The Continued Impact of IFRS 16 on Large Corporates in 2024
In 2024, the International Financial Reporting Standard 16 (IFRS 16) continues to reshape the financial landscape for ...