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Digital education is most effective when delivered earlier in life.

Access to the digital world is now a basic necessity – just like water, food, heat and shelter. In 2022, we launched a digital inclusion program aimed at addressing the 1 in 7 young New Zealanders who are digitally excluded.

Being a lessor of large amounts of technology means that we are uniquely placed to help close the digital equity gap and make a life changing difference to some. This program plans to enable our large scale corporate and government customers to contribute a portion of devices as they come off a Quadrent Green Lease.

Quadrent will match this contribution creating a considerable pool of high spec, high quality tech devices that can be repurposed and provided to those in our communities that need it most. Our efforts will be focussed alongside a number of large charitable organisations to help create a much more empowered future for every young Kiwi.

Quadrent Digital Inclusion

Kids connected to technology through a Quadrent Green Lease

Digital Inclusion Impact Stories

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Solving a complex and ongoing problem means we need to focus on where we can make the biggest difference while supporting our partner community and their unique strengths and initiatives.

Tangaroa College

Tangaroa College is a decile one, state coeducational secondary school catering for years 9–13 in Otara, Auckland.

In 2023, 75 high quality, ex-lease laptops were donated by Quadrent, to enable all students across three classrooms to have full-time access to a device during class.

A lack of learning devices is day-to-day issue at Tangaroa College. Before Quadrent’s donation, our students were having to share laptops. Now we have the ability to give everyone their own laptop during class, which lets them focus 100% of the time on their individual work. They can achieve more independently, and teachers can work more one-on-one with the students.

“It was incredible to see the look of joy on the student’s faces when their laptop booted up in under 5 seconds, and they connected straight to the Wi-Fi with all their accounts syncing together seamlessly.

Rob Downie
Head of Health & Physical Education, Tangaroa College

Te Rourou, One Aotearoa Foundation

Te Rourou, One Aotearoa Foundation and One New Zealand launched a digital equity programme, Toitū te Toki, which is focused on supporting better educational outcomes for young people.

The programme asks organisations to donate their no longer used laptops which will then be refreshed and provided to students in low decile colleges for use during the school year.

The programme kicked off with a trial in two colleges in Invercargill with support from Quadrent.

The laptops were really helpful for completing work at home when I was sick and when I cannot be at school.

Lauren (17yrs)

I feel we are very lucky that Vodafone gave us these laptops to use. I hope we can have them next year too.

Kahn (17yrs)

Once we could connect them to the internet at home the laptops helped me a lot with my work. It is easier to keep up to date with my work when I have a laptop of my own to use.

Max (17yrs)

Arowhenua pic 2

The support Quadrent have provided has been essential. Toitū te Toki would not have been possible without their help, from sourcing and co-funding devices, to ensuring the right OS licensing, Quadrent have been exceptionally enthusiastic, responsive and consistently keen to help. Their team has demonstrated a real passion for utilising the resources and relationships they have to create better outcomes for young people in Aotearoa.

Te Rourou, One Aotearoa Foundation is extremely grateful for the support Quadrent is providing and we look forward to supporting many young people together, as Toitū te Toki grows, and scales around the country.

Lani Evans
Head of Te Rourou, One Aotearoa Foundation

Organisations who have committed to partnering with the Quadrent Green Lease

Bell Gully
Buddle Findlay
Te Puni Kokiri

Click the button below to download more information about the Quadrent Green Lease

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