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Digital Equity and Learning

In today's digitally-driven world, access to technology is a necessity for educational equity. Quadrent plays a crucial role in bridging the digital divide through our innovative leasing solutions. As major lessors of technology, we are uniquely positioned to ensure that schools and educational institutions have access to the latest tools and devices.

Additionally, our Quadrent Green Lease initiative not only facilitates access but also ensures sustainability by responsibly managing end-of-lease devices within a secure, environmentally conscious framework.

Quadrent enables customers to preserve critical cash and avoid large upfront capital expenditure payments. This allows you to invest capital into core business priorities such as your teachers and buildings.

Read Our Case Study

Benefits of Leasing Equipment With Quadrent

Discover Our Digital Inclusion Impact in Schools

Our Commitment to Education

Through our efforts in the education sector, we aim to empower learners, educators, and communities alike. By ensuring access to technology and promoting digital equity, Quadrent helps build a foundation for lifelong learning and success. Together with our partners, we strive to make a positive impact today that resonates across future generations.

Speak to our Head of Education, Jan Paterson on:
Email: jan.paterson@quadrent.co.nz
Phone: +64 (0)21 554 001


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