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Quadrent's Pioneering Efforts in Bridging the Digital Gap: A Spotlight on Radio Features

In a world increasingly dependent on digital technologies, the digital divide has become a pressing concern. ...

How to Make Your Life Easier in 2024 and Manage Your Audit Process

Unfortunately for all large corporates, financial audits are a necessary evil. There are lots of articles about ...

Our Top 5 Blogs of 2023

As we reflect on the dynamic landscape of finance and asset management, we'd like to share with you our "Top 5 Blogs of ...

NZ Corporates Commit to Giving Hundreds of NZ Students Better Access to Tech

18 months on from launch, an innovative partnership by leasing specialists Quadrent and BNZ, the Quadrent Green Lease ...

How Do Leasing Companies Make Money?

No matter what financial or lending product an organisation chooses, a fee or cost will be involved. Whether it’s for ...

How to Successfully Optimise Your Balance Sheet

Effective financial management becomes increasingly important in an environment of rising interest rates and inflation. ...

LOIS lease accounting expands into Africa

Quadrent and Deloitte South Africa have teamed up to bring LOIS lease accounting software for IFRS 16 compliance and ...

The Benefit of Diversifying Funding Lines With a Leasing Company

Business funding options have grown in recent decades, expanding from debt capital through banks and private sources to ...

The Importance of Ledger Accounting at Month-End Close

Time and time again we have clients coming to us that use spreadsheets, or non-functional IFRS 16 lease accounting ...

What Is a Sustainable Asset Management Solution?

Sustainable asset management involves strategically maintaining assets to maximise the asset’s useful life. Common ...

The Difference Between a Broker and a Leasing Company

The services that brokers and leasing companies provide may seem similar if you aren’t familiar with leasing. While ...

Asset Management vs. Managing Assets: What's the Difference?

Asset management and managing assets may sound similar, but each has a different meaning that impacts how facilities ...