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Quadrent Supports Allens in Its Commitment to Sustainability

Quadrent are excited to announce the signing of our first Quadrent Green Lease agreement in Australia with Allens, one ...

Quadrent's Pioneering Efforts in Bridging the Digital Gap: A Spotlight on Radio Features

In a world increasingly dependent on digital technologies, the digital divide has become a pressing concern. ...

NZ Corporates Commit to Giving Hundreds of NZ Students Better Access to Tech

18 months on from launch, an innovative partnership by leasing specialists Quadrent and BNZ, the Quadrent Green Lease ...

How to Prepare for a New Financial Year With Quadrent

As financial year-end and audit season approaches, unlike previous years, there are additional items that auditors may ...

Responsible asset disposal minimises data privacy & regulatory risks

Data is now considered more valuable than oil. Whether a company has highly confidential commercial information or ...

5 Blogs to Help You Start 2023

With 2022 done and dusted, it's time to take a step back before you prepare to tackle 2023! A lot happened last year. ...

Quadrent and The Smith Family Create Partnership

To Help Young Australians Overcome Digital Educational Inequality. Quadrent and The Smith Family are excited to ...

Quadrent Launches the Quadrent Green Lease in Australia

Following the launch of our Quadrent Green Lease in New Zealand earlier this year, we are pleased to announce that we ...

ANZCO Foods to Donate 200 Laptops a Year to Digital Inclusion Initiatives

Quadrent is pleased to announce that ANZCO Foods has signed up to the Quadrent Green Lease. This arrangement will see ...

Boosting Digital Inclusion Aims to Get Students Engaged in Learning Again After COVID-19

The world has dealt with many challenges that arose out of COVID-19. In the education system, poor attendance and a ...

How the Circular Economy can Help Businesses and Society Thrive

Globalisation and the acceleration of digitisation have brought many benefits to people and businesses. Devices and ...