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Incremental Borrowing Rate Frequently Asked Questions

With the current environment in a constant state of change it's important to ensure your Incremental Borrowing Rate ...

IRIS Financials - An integrated solution for the education sector

With the partnership between Quadrent and Innervision leading to the successful expansion of the company’s footprint ...

Using software to strengthen governance and financial management in the education sector

Quadrent is a proud supporter of the education sector, having partnered with schools and universities for their ...

How schools can use online tools to engage teachers and parents effectively

As technology has transformed education delivery and driven innovation in school environments, it's also provided ...

Financing your upcoming software rollout or upgrade has a number of benefits

2020 has truly highlighted how fundamental technology is for organisations to operate, manage and survive. This ...

How Quadrent is different from other Financiers in the Education sector

You've likely come across a range of financiers and models throughout your career. Quadrent’s success has come from ...

How schools are helping their teachers manage stress in 2020

Some schools have effectively adapted and grown this year despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only have ...

How can your school adapt and change during this challenging time?

With schools closing and students learning from home for much of term one and term two this year, technology ...

Leasing business assets strengthens firms and its partnerships

Strategically managing costs is crucial in all businesses, but particularly in partnership models where a range of ...

Ensure your education institution has the right technology infrastructure with asset leasing

Quadrent works alongside schools and universities in the education sector to ensure that they have the right credit ...

Leasing during times of economic volatility

With the volatility created by the COVID-19 pandemic, all businesses are focused on supporting the health and wellbeing ...